Collaborative Project

Diploma Theatre Task 4: – Collaborative Project - Year 13

Presentation date: week commencing 21 November 2019

Key requirements:


  1. A process portfolio (15 pages maximum) which includes:
  • Your identification of your own approaches, interests and skills in theatre and research into the approaches used by a professional company that stages original pieces of theatre.
  • Your account of the formation of the ensemble, exploration of the starting point , identification of target audience and intentions for the piece.
  • Your reflections on the collaborative development, structuring and preparation of the piece including specific artistic explorations led by you.
  • Your evaluation of your own contribution to the final presentation, the extent to which it fulfilled its intentions, impact had on the audience and the analysis and justification of the specific artistic choices (as evidenced in the recording below).


  1. A video recording (4 minutes maximum) evidencing your contribution to the performance.  It can comprise a maximum of two selected moments. The moments be selected by you, and demonstrate artistic choices you have made.


  1. A list of all sources cited.



The task will be marked out of 32. (This represents 35%SL and 25% HL of your overall mark in the Diploma.)

What will you do?

Theatre in context

-       - Reflect on your own personal context, identify your approaches, interests and skills in theatre and use this to help determine who to collaborate with.

-       - Research a professional theatre company that creates and stages original pieces of theatre and examine the approaches employed by the company. Research may involve: websites, published articles, direct communication, interviews, workshops etc.

-       - Form an ensemble of between 2-6 members and select a starting point.

-       - Research the selected starting point, identify its theatrical possibilities and present this to the ensemble.

-       - Formulate (as an ensemble) your intentions for the piece, select a target audience and identify your intended impact.

-       - Document your approach, research and contribution to the process in your journal.

Theatre processes

-       - Explore the starting point practically developing ideas for the final piece.

-       - Lead the ensemble through a practical exploration of your artistic ideas (may be in terms of creating, designing, directing or performing).

-       - Collaboratively develop and structure a piece and rehearse it.

-       - Construct and technical or scenic production elements with clear attention to health and safety requirements.

-        - Document your contribution in your journal.

Presenting theatre

-       - Present a fully realised 13-15 minute production to an audience.

-       - Hold a talkback session with the audience to gauge the impact and assess the fulfilment of desired intentions.

-       - Create a 4 minute (max) video edit comprising a maximum of 2 moments from the final production.

-       - Reflect on the collaborative creation of the piece as well as the final presentation referring to key moments shown in your edit and explaining how decisions made in the process came to fruition in the performance. Also discuss collaboration, its challenges and benefits.

-       - Analyse your individual contributions and justify the artistic choices made. Reference must be made to the audience impact, your intentions and vision of the piece.


The starting point:

The starting point must be selected from one of the following:

-          An event

-          Idea, issue, question or theme

-          Image or photograph

-          Non-dramatic text

-          Object

-          Person

-          Piece of music

-          Site

-          Street art, graphic novel or comic strip

The project must not be based on existing piece of theatre or published play text.


Structuring the portfolio:

The portfolio should be up to 15 pages in length and can contain a variety of material or formats (text, visuals, diagrams etc).

Any charts, mind maps, visuals, diagrams, or designs must be clearly annotated and appropriately referenced (this includes any images/photographs that you take).

The portfolio should have a table of contents (excluded from the page count) and be structured into the following subheadings:

  • My personal context and my research into a professional company that creates and stages original pieces of theatre.
  • The formation of my group and our exploration of the starting point (including our target audience and intentions for the piece).
  • Reflections on the collaborative development of our piece and the specific explorations led by me.
  • My contribution to the final 13-15 minute presentations, the impact on the audience and my artistic choices (as seen in the video). 


Assessment Criteria Task 4: Collaborative Project

Criteria A. Theatre in context: The personal context and research into a professional company


The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.


This work is limited:

·         The student lists their own personal context in theatre (which may include approaches, interests and/or skills in theatre). The work is limited in scope and contains mainly irrelevant or superfluous information

·         The student lists the creative approaches employed by an appropriate professional company that creates and stages original pieces of theatre and lists how they could possibly use the approaches of the professional company in their own approach.


This work is underdeveloped:

·         The student outlines their own personal context in theatre (which may include approaches, interests and/or skills in theatre). The work is underdeveloped.

·         The student outlines the creative approaches employed by an appropriate professional company that creates and stages original pieces of theatre and outlines how they could possibly use the approaches of the professional company in their own approach. The work is underdeveloped.


This work is good:

·         The student describes their own personal context in theatre (which may include approaches, interests and/or skills in theatre). The work is appropriate.

·         The student describes the creative approaches employed by an appropriate professional company that creates and stages original pieces of theatre and describes how they could possibly use the approaches of the professional company in their own approach.


The work is excellent:

·         The student explains their own personal context in theatre (which may include approaches, interests and or skills in theatre). The work is detailed, appropriate and relevant.

·         The student explains the creative approaches employed by an appropriate professional company that creates and stages original pieces of theatre and clearly explains how they could possibly use the approaches of the professional company in their own approach.


Criteria B. Theatre processes: The formation of the group and exploration of the starting point (including target audience and intentions for the proposed piece)


The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.


This work is limited:

·         The student lists the process of forming the collaborative group. The work is limited in scope and contains mainly irrelevant information

·         The student lists how the ensemble chose and explored the starting point, with little consideration of how they identified target audience or artistic intentions for the proposed original theatre piece.


This work is underdeveloped:

•          The student outlines the process of forming the collaborative group. The work is underdeveloped

•          The student outlines how the ensemble collaboratively chose and explored the starting point with some consideration of how they identified the target audience and artistic intentions for the proposed original theatre piece.


This work is good:

•          The student describes the process of forming the collaborative group. The work is appropriate

•          The student describes how and why the ensemble collaboratively chose and explored the starting point and how they identified target audience and artistic intentions for the proposed original theatre piece.


This work is excellent:

•          The student explains the process of forming the collaborative group. The work is detailed, appropriate and relevant

•          The student explains how and why the ensemble collaboratively chose and explored the starting point, with clear consideration of how they identified the target audience and artistic intentions for the proposed original theatre piece.



Criteria C. Presenting theatre: The student’s own specific contributions to the collaborative process and the development of the piece


The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.


This work is limited:

•          The student lists their own specific contributions to the collaborative process. The work is limited in scope and contains mainly irrelevant or superfluous information

•          The student lists the process by which the group practically developed and prepared the original piece for presentation.


This work is underdeveloped:

•          The student outlines their own specific contributions to the collaborative process. This is underdeveloped

•          The student outlines the process by which the group practically developed and prepared the original piece for presentation.


This work is good:

•          The student describes their own specific contributions to the collaborative process

•          The student describes the process by which the group practically developed, structured and prepared the original piece for presentation.


This work is excellent:

•          The student explains their own specific contributions to the collaborative process

•          The student clearly explains the process by which the group practically developed, structured and prepared the original piece for presentation.


Criteria D. Theatre in context: The student’s artistic choices in the specific moment(s) of theatre seen in the video and evaluation of the whole theatre piece


The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.


This work is limited:

•          The student lists the ways in which their own specific artistic choices were made as evidenced in the selected video recording

•          The student provides a limited evaluation of the presentation of the original piece, listing ways in which the piece fulfilled its intentions and the extent to which it achieved its impact on the audience. The work is superficial or inconsistent.


This work is underdeveloped:

•          The student outlines their own specific artistic choices made in the specific moment(s) of theatre seen in the selected video recording

•          The student provides an underdeveloped evaluation of the presentation of the original piece, outlining how the piece fulfilled its intentions and the extent to which it achieved its impact on the audience with some reference to the audience’s responses.


This work is good:

•          The student describes their own specific artistic choices made in the specific moment(s) of theatre seen in the selected video recording

•          The student provides an adequate evaluation of the presentation of the original piece, describing how the piece fulfilled its intentions and the extent to which it achieved its impact on the audience with reference to the audience’s responses.


This work is excellent:

•          The student explains their own specific artistic choices made in the specific moment(s) of theatre seen in the selected video recording

•          The student provides a thorough and discerning evaluation of the presentation of the original piece, explaining how the piece fulfilled its intentions and the extent to which it achieved its impact on the audience with close reference to the audience’s responses.


                       IB List of potential companies

Theatre company


Age Exchange

Belgrade Theatre, Coventry


Dell ‘Arte International

Teatro de Creación

DV8 Physical Theatre

Fevered Sleep

Forced Entertainment

Fork Beard

Frantic Assembly


Gecko Theatre

Greenwell & Lewisham Young People’s Theatre

Goat Island

Gob Squad

Grid Iron


Invisible Flock

Invisible Thread


Ex Machina

Lone Twin

Massive Company

Wrights and Sits

Northern Stage

Theatre Passe Muraille

People Show

Pintsize Theatre Company

Pirate Productions

PotatoRoom Productions

Reckless Sleepers

Red Ladder Theatre Company

Rude Mechanicals


Space Hijackers

Stan’s Cafe

Station House Opera

Tangled Feet

Théâtre du Soleil

Theatre O

The Paper Birds Theatre Company

The Red Room

The Wooster Group

Third Angel





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