Apartheid South Africa

This case study belongs to the prescribed subject: Rights and protest

See also: Case study 1: Civil rights movement in the United States

Nature and characteristics of discrimination

What were the main reasons for segregation in SA prior to 1948?


Economic Profit:


What were the main causes of the Nationalist government obtaining power in 1948?

1948 Election

Grand Apartheid vs Petty Apartheid

Grand Apartheid

Petty Apartheid

Later NP government policy

Earlier NP government policy

Under Verwoerd

Under Malan and Strijdom

Territorial segregation, with the aim of making whites and blacks two separate regions

Baasskap - subjugation of blacks through force during this period

Implemented in face of negative international relations due to apartheid

Focused on small things (fussy)

Grand = high, noble


Move away from essentially enslaving Africans for economic gain.


Impacts of District 6

District 6 was a very multicultural part of Cape Town, but declared white only. The resulting impact was:

Civil Disobedience organisations

MK (Umkhoto we Sizwe) and Rivonia Trial

The role and significance of key actors/groups

Chief Albert Luthuli

Who was he?

What did he do?

Was he successful?



Peace prize brought attention to ANC

Need for violence, that he tried to ignore

Moral authority

ANC violence put him in a bad light, despite his general opposition to it. Arrested because of it.

Non-violence meant support from white S. Africans

Not strong enough to resist calls for violent protest







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