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Civil rights and social movements
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Indigenous peoples and civil rights in the Americas
Background history
Spanish colonials upper class
Native peoples lower class
United Fruit Company had monopoly
Supported by US
US 1 million dollar “loan” to reduce taxes on UFCO
Made social-democratic reforms
Agrarian reforms
Survived 25 military coup attempts
Literacy reforms, improved wages 8%, Law of Forced Rental meant unused UFCO land could be rented to peasants (peasants could own land!)
Economic independence
Establish of modern capitalist state
Increase standard of living
Decree 900 - land redistribution for equality
Confiscated lots of UFCO’s unused land, and paid $625,000 in compensation
US demanded $15 million, and when he refused they charged Arbenz’s regime with communism
US embargoed Guatemala and CIA backed Castillo
Undid all recent democratic reforms
Purged opposition - 5,000 people killed, 72,000 imprisoned
Literacy test for voting implemented, limiting democracy
Dictators remained anti-communist pro-US to stay in power
Spanish colony
1839 Independence
1844-65 Rafael Carrera, dictator
1931-44 General Jorge Ubico
1945-51 Juan Jose Arevalo
1951-54 Jacobo Arbenz
1954-56 Colonel Carlos Castillo
1956-onwards - String of dictators
Methods of discrimination
Cheap labour by Hispanic (Crillo) landowners
Inferior healthcare
General Efrain Rios Montt’s regime 1982-3 - mass murder against Mayans
2% of criollo landowners owned 72% of land around WW2
United Fruit Company owned rest of land
87% in poverty in 90s
50% infant mortality in 90s
Mayans massacred by army in early 1980s
Land ownership inequality
Key events
Soviet-backed Mayan rebels against military regime
Human rights abuses
US supported regime monetarily, lengthening war
Death squads in rural areas killed hs of ks
50,000 deaths
After attempt to impose authoritarian regime
Wave of protests
UN and US criticise Guatemala for HR abuses
1960-66 Civil War
1970-1996 big rights abuses
1970s - Military rulers programme to eliminate left-wingers
1981 - 11,000 people killed by death squads and soldiers
1993 - Serrano forced to resign
1993 - Ramiro de Leon Carpio elected president by the legislature
1995 - Rebels declare a ceasefire
Key groups and people
Mayan guerilla army
Formed 1960
Resources away from local populations
Low wages
Reliance on US company from locals
Deals with government - led to corruption
UNRG (Guatemalan National Revolutionary Movement)
United Fruit Company
Army in charge
Not even politicians had control over army
Army generals powerful
Military dictatorship
US involvement in 70s and 80s
Congress stopped him from sending military aid
Carter stopped all aid to Guatemala
Reagan sent $38.8 million aid in 1983
In total:
150,000 killed
200,000 displaced
40,000 missing
Segregation of African americans
African Americans and the civil rights movement
The US Supreme Court and legal challenges to segregation in education
Ending of segregation in the south(1955–1980)
African-American Activism
Role of Dr Martin Luther King Jr in the civil rights movement
the rise of radical African American activism (1965–1968)
Black panthers
Black power
Malcom X
role of governments in civil rights movements in the Americas
Feminist movements in the Americas
Reasons for emergence
Impact and significance
Hispanic American movement in the United States
Cesar Chavez
Immigration reform
Youth culture and protests of the 1960s and 1970s
Characteristics and manifestation of a counterculture
joeClinton - 3272 words.
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